We are happy to announce the new partnership with EVCNA journal, with great benefits to our members: Once EVCNA is indexed by Web of Science and starts to charge APC, the GEIVEX members will receive a 50% discount when submitting to EVCNA and enjoy a 30% discount on other OAE journals.
EVCNA is a new journal that was launched in 2020 to provide an online platform for sharing research data, new methodology and reviews, as well as commentaries in extracellular vesicles and circulating nucleic acids. Dr. Yoke Peng Loh from the National Institutes of Health is serving as the Editor-in-Chief. Manuscripts with clinical relevance are especially encouraged to promote the translation from basic science to clinical application. Our vision is not only to shape EVCNA into a highly influential journal but also a real communication platform for scientists to dialogue and share wisdom. Click here to submit!