To foster collaboration between the members of different European EV Societies and Networks, we launch the fourth call of MOVE fellowships that will enable GEIVEX members Early Career Researchers (the applicants)(technicians, PhD students and early-stage postdoctoral researchers (≤ five years, excluding career breaks)) to travel to another lab in Europe (the hosts) to develop both their technical skills and enlarge their own professional networks.

As a prerequisite, the applicant has to be member of GEIVEX and the head of the hosting lab a current member of the National EV Society or Network of the host country. ECRs from other countries willing to do a stay in a Spanish group will have to apply to the paralell MOVE calls in each country (see contact info for each society below).

GEIVEX will award two Fellowships in this round for ECR from Spanish groups to go abroad. GEIVEX applications will close on November 30th 2024. The Fellowship will cover travel and subsistence (but not bench fees) to a maximum value of 2000€, to work in a host lab at an academic institution in a different European country for a time period between one and three months.

Application Process:

1. Discuss with your supervisor whether this fits with your role and share the list of potential host labs. You can find a list of the already adhered labs in this link

This is not a closed list, so if you plan to move to an european lab that is not listed, please contact us so we can check their elegibility.

2. Contact the Host lab and discuss the potential, have a CV ready!

3. Apply to GEIVEX ( by sending in a single PDF file the following doccuments:

  1. Completed application form (see below)
  2. CV of the applicant
  3. CV including list of publications of the last 5 years of the Principal Investigator of the host laboratory

Applications will be evaluated by the following scientific panel of GEIVEX board members:

Dr. Jose Antonio López-Guerrero

Dr. Javier Sotillo

Dra. Lydia Alvarez-Ervitti

Dra. Gemma Chiva-Blanch

on the basis of scientific quality and interest for EV field.

The resolution of the Evaluation Committee is final, cannot be appealed and will be published on the GEIVEX webpage. The title of the funded project will be also published on the webpage, however, the objectives will not be disclosed until the stay has concluded. The Evaluation Committee will not enter into correspondence with the applicants.

Fellow responsibilities.

Once the GEIVEX-funded mobility stay has concluded, the Fellow should provide GEIVEX with:

  1. All invoices that substantiate his/her expenses. If the expenses indicated in the invoices provided are less than the amount awarded, the Fellow should refund the difference to GEIVEX. If expenses are not justified correctly, the fellowship should be refunded to GEIVEX.
  2. A brief report describing the activities carried out as well as a short video detailing the benefits to his/her scientific development. These reports could be published by GEIVEX.
  3. GEIVEX Mobility Fellowship should be acknowledged in any publication or abstract that includes the data obtained during the stay.
  4. Fellows could be requested to give a short talk at the next GEIVEX Annual Meeting

For the list of confirmed Societies offering fellowships and hosting labs:

ASEV (Austria), contact: wolfgang.holnthoner[at]

BESEV (Belgium), contact: info[at]

EVIta (Italy), contact: info[at] – more information here

GEIVEX (Spain), contact: secretaria[at] – more information here

GSEV (Germany), contact: info[at] – more information here

NLSEV (Netherlands), contact: info[at]

UKEV (United Kingdom), contact: info[at] – more information here

Contacts for other societies with hosting labs:

BAEV (Baltic)

DSEV (Denmark)

FISEV (Finland), contact: info.fisev[at]

FSEV (France), contact: admin[at]

HSEV (Hungary), contact: buzas.edit[at]

EVI (Ireland), contact: lodrisc[at]

Nor-EV (Norway), contact: a.l.martinez[at]

PSEV (Poland)

PNEV (Portugal), contact: ptnetev[at]

SiNEV (Slovenia), contact: sin-ev[at]

SrbEV (Serbia), contact: maja9120[at]

Swedish EV Network

Application Form