We are pleased to announce the recipients of the 1sr call in 2024 of our national GEIVEX Mobility Fellowships, which corresponds to the 11th edition of these fellowships.

  1. Enrique Bastón(CNIO, Madrid)

Host Lab: Juan Manuel Falcón-Pérez (CIC Biogune, Derio)

Project: “Defining the role of sEVs as modulators of DNA damage responses”

  1. Belén Azanza (University of Zaragoza, CIBA)

Host Lab: Joana Maria Ramis (Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca)

Project: “Scaffold-Embedded Exosomes for Advanced Therapeutic Applications”

Congratulations to Enrique and Belén!!!

Remember that in autumn this year, we will have a second call of national mobilities together with the MOVE Mobility call.