Dear GEIVEX members,
We are glad to announce that registration has been opened for the 5th International GEIVEX Symposium that will be held in Granada between the 6th and 8th of November 2019. You can register online on our webpage https://www.granadacongresos.com/geivex2019 with a special price deal for GEIVEX members. As usual, we expect that most research groups from both Spain and Portugal will attend this meeting, together with a select group of international speakers. This 5th International Symposium will focus on novel concepts in EVs. Above all, we consider this 5th International Symposium in 2019 as an important opportunity to create and strengthen partnerships between professionals dedicated to EVs, from both basic and clinical fields and to have the opportunity to meet the renowned speakers.
Additionally, you can also register for the Preliminary Hands-on which will be celebrated on the 5th of November also in Granada. In this workshop, we will summarize the state-of-the-art in EV research as disease biomarkers, their role in physiology and pathology as well as the main technological tools we currently have for their study and characterization. Several hands-on demonstrations will be performed on November 5th in groups so that the attendees can know first-hand the main resources devoted to EV analyses that are currently in the market.
There is a limit of 50 places for the practical workshop.
Also, the call for abstracts has been opened. To present a communication, either as a poster or oral presentation, it will be a requirement that at least one of the authors of the communication (the author who will present the work) be registered in the Conference. Only one communication will be accepted with the same first author. Complete requirements and conditions for submitting the communications are shown in our meeting webpage (https://www.granadacongresos.com/geivex2019).
Please, find below the price table for the symposium and practical workshop (hands-on):
Registration Fee |
Until 30th of September |
From 30th of September |
Hands-on Course |
Hands-on + Symposium |
GEIVEX members |
100 |
150 |
60 |
140 |
Regular |
200 |
250 |
75 |
250 |
On-Site |
400 |
Please remember that for the Hands-On there is a limit of 50 places for the workshop that will allocated in a first come-first served basis.
Don’t wait! We are looking forward to meet you all in Granada.
We encourage you all to participate in this marvellous opportunity for networking with other colleagues and to spread this information with your lab colleagues and other researchers that could be interested in EVs.
If you have any issue during registration or would like more information about the venue please, contact us through email to secretaria@geivex.org. We will be really glad to help you.